Josh took one of the chairs and sat in front of the big desk.
Danni walked around, sat down with a sigh and removed her shoes.
"Much better" she smirked at him.
"Are you besides chivalrous also discreet and trustworthy?" she asked still smiling.
"My word is my bond and I can be discreet up until a point" Josh answered.
"I believe you, what is your point if I may ask?"
"Anything with violent intent, criminal or abusive elements" Josh answered seriously.
He wondered what she was thinking of as she leaned a bit closer over her desk.
"And in case you are wondering, no, I do not consider your line of work criminal, you are not a pimp forcing streetwalkers."
She smiled when he said that "You know, you are very astute, it was my next question."
A soft knock on the door interrupted their conversation and was followed by the door opening.
A well proportioned woman came walking in, dressed in a transparent latex bodysuit carrying a tray with a bottle of whiskey and 2 shot glasses. She sat it down on the desk between them and winked at Josh when she left, closing the door after her.
Danni grinned at Josh’s expression and reached for the bottle to pour them both a shot.
"Bottoms up Josh" she said and downed the shot glass in one go.
Josh did the same and was pleasantly surprised by the smooth quality of the whiskey.
Her respect of him grew a bit when she saw he held his liquor well.
"Back to business" she said, pouring them another shot.
"Can I trust you to keep the conversation we are about to have absolutely secret?"
"You have my word" Josh answered and watched Danni for clues.
"Did you know that besides a lot of beautiful women, I also have several young men working for me?" Danni asked leaning back into her chair.
"No but it would make sense if you catered to the entertainment business" Josh replied.
"True, do you know what fantasy play or role play is in the sex industry?"
"Maybe, I have a healthy imagination but I am not sure" Josh answered carefully.
"I take it it’s a bit like a mother son fantasy played out?"
"That’s precisely it, if you are interested, a young man like you can make a lot of money like that" Danni said letting the statement hang in the air.
"Run my credit" Josh said and gave her his card.
Danni gave him a surprised look but did as he asked.
A few moments later she was laughing out loud saying "And here I thought it would be nice for a young guy like yourself to make a few bucks beyond his allowance, only to find out he’s rich enough to get a black card and is an European ranked business man."
"Well, there goes that idea out the window" she grinned while wiping a tear from laughter from her cheek.
"I still might be interested though" Josh said "my sexual preference goes out to mature women."
Danni reached for her shot glass, saluted Josh and drank it down.
Again he followed her example, smiling when he poured them both a fresh one.
"You are an intriguing man, Josh" she said her voice filled with wonder.
"How experienced are you?"
"Compared to whom?" Josh asked "I know I can please a woman with tongue and cock but I can’t say how well I perform compared to others."
"But" he continued "I have had a good sex education back home and the two ladies I have had the pleasure of today didn’t complain and asked for more so, I think despite the fact that I have had only three lovers so far, I am quite capable."
The frankness in which he answered her question made Danni reevaluate Josh again.
"You’ve had sex at the party tonight?" she asked, almost certain that he had.
He nodded and reached for his glass "Here’s to all the beautiful women that like young men."
Smiling Danni followed suit.
"So, how do you suggest I reward you for your gallant behavior tonight?" Danni asked.
"How many real friends do you have?" Josh countered her.
Danni played for a bit with her finger just in her mouth, nibbling on it while she figured out how to answer him.
After a minute of deep thinking she answered "Not a lot, four perhaps."
"Make it five and you have rewarded me more than enough."
His answer shook her to her core and for the first time in a long time, she didn’t know what to say.
"I figure a woman in your position has a huge number of acquaintances but very few friends, you have nothing that I really need except a good friend, someone to do stuff with, talk to when you need a honest opinion or a shoulder to cry on when needed" Josh continued "you are a strong, independent woman who runs a multimillion business dealing in things that cannot be out in the open."
Josh sipped a bit from his drink, wetting his mouth before continuing "I know and I don’t judge you for your line of work, you seem like a nice woman and you care for your girls so your heart is in the right place, further more you seem to think like I do which is something I like a lot in you so what do you say?"
A tear flowed slowly from her eye, her face sad and happy at the same time.
"You are a very interesting young man Josh and it is my pleasure to call you a friend."
"Good" Josh said and walked around her desk, pulled her out of her chair and gave her a comforting hug.
"Got plans for next Sunday evening?" Josh softly asked.
"Not really" Danni answered relaxing in his firm embrace.
"Then I hereby invite you to a home cooked dinner at my place, how does that sound?"
"It sounds wonderful, you really know how to win someone over don’t you?" she whispered.
"Have I won you over already then?" he asked in a sly voice making her laugh.
"After I have tasted your cooking I’ll let you know" she smiled and locked her eyes with his.
"I am going to kiss you now, you very special man" she whispered and locked her lips on his.
She kissed him gently, slowly parting her lips and tenderly explored his mouth.
Josh followed her lead, letting his hands explore her body in a gentle fashion.
They were interrupted by a knock on the door followed by a deep voice "Its Burt ma’m."
"Come in" Danni said and broke the embrace, sitting back down again.
Josh walked back to his chair when Burt entered.
"Ah" he said when he saw Josh "I am sorry but its business related."
"That’s fine, what is it Burt?" Danni asked.
"Its Roger ma’m, he finally called, he’s in the hospital with acute food poisoning."
"You’ve got to be kidding" Danni sighed "of all the days."
"I know, she said she’d sue the restaurant but demands a replacement for tonight."
"There is nobody else, everybody is spoken for, damn" Danni said after a quick glance at her PDA.
"Who are we talking about and what is needed?" Josh asked.
"I can’t ask you to do this, not like this Josh" Danni said frowning at her PDA screen.
"Just tell me what you need, perhaps I can help" Josh offered her gently again.
"It’s an elaborate fantasy session, she wants to be taken by her son while her friends are watching and cheering her on."
"How long would it take?" Josh asked.
"Two hours at the most but that’s not the biggest issue, my girls were free to cheer you on till an hour ago, now they have prior engagements."
"How many girlfriends are we talking about?"
"Three or four, why do you ask?" Danni asked and looked at Josh, seeing him thinking hard.
Josh turned to Burt and asked "I take it Melody is out of regular service at the moment?"
Burt grinned at Josh, liking how he thought and said yes, he had changed her for a standby.
"That’s one, you could be two Danni and maybe I can get you two more" Josh thought out loud.
Josh took out his phone and started a text message "I am need of some voyeuristic assistance for an hour or two, are you available within the next thirty minutes?"
When he selected Megan and Sondra he heard Burt grin behind him saying "He has Sondra Bradley in his phone, can you believe it?"
Danni looked at Josh and said with a big grin "you did her tonight didn’t you?"
"Guilty as charged" he smiled back at her.
A few moments later two replies announced their arrival.
Josh smiled when he saw the reply from Megan, asking if she needed to keep her hands to herself and the reply from Sondra was even more in the spirit, asking if she could film him.
"I got you two more spectators who are definitely in the mood for a show" Josh grinned "so who are we talking about?"
Danni smiled in amazement at Josh, wondering what she had done to have this kid walk in her life just when she needed someone like him the most.
When Danni just stared at Josh not replying, Burt answered for her "Sarah Basco."
Burt saw the name didn’t mean anything to Josh so he explained "Sarah is one of the most powerful producers in the current mainstream porn industry, back in the early nineties she was a famous porn star herself, still a looker in my opinion."
Josh looked back at Danni and noticed that more was playing then she let on, she was still thinking too hard.
It took Josh a few moments to consider all the options and match them to the reactions he had seen before saying "you are planning to expand your business aren’t you?"
Both Burt and Danni looked shocked when he said that.
"How did you know?" Danni asked surprised.
"I’ll tell you in a sec but can we first make sure that my two lady friends are picked up and escorted here?"
"Take my picture and send it to them, tell them to meet me at the elevators" Burt said.
"Okay Burt" Josh said and took a shot of Burt smiling.
"Sending now" and he added the message to the picture before sending it.
Burt said he would be right back and left.
"Please tell me how you knew Josh" Danni asked as soon as the door was closed.
"Your tension level shot up when her date was ruined, you cannot expand too much in your current activities before the authorities take notice and she is a big shot producer with experience in the field, it wasn’t that hard to be honest."
"I guess" she slowly said "but you are right, I am looking to expand."
"So in what way, shoot some vids of your girls to improve their market value or offer your customers a personal porn shoot?" Josh asked curiously.
Danni stared at him with a blank face again, this was the third time this boy had surprised her.
Silently she thanked the heavens for letting their paths cross.
"I wanted career options for some of my girls who wanted to stay in the industry but out of the call girl corner, offer them a save second career."
"That’s a sweet idea, I thought more of extra business while you thought of your girls, good for you Danni" Josh said a bit embarrassed.
"No, you just came up with two brilliant ideas I hadn’t thought of."
"I’d be happy to partner with you if you want or if you don’t mix friendship with business, just use my brain for whatever you need, consider it free of charge" Josh smiled warmly at Danni.
"I believe you, you would really give these two brilliant marketing ideas to me for free, you hardly know me and you already treat me as a dear and trustworthy friend, sorry if I get a bit emotional but it is a very rare thing in this town, a man like you" Danni spoke while she got up and walked towards him.
She hugged him with all her might and said "I know I am going to sound like an idiot right now, but at this moment I really wish I could keep you for myself and run away with you, leave everything behind."
"Not like an idiot, but as a woman in dire need of a good friend" Josh whispered and kissed her gently.
The stood in embrace when the door opened and Burt came in together with Megan and Sondra. They both turned their head at the same time and said simultaneous "Hello."
A second later, Danni was just a bit quicker with pinching him saying "jinx."
Their laughter was joined by Burt with a deep rumbling laugh and both Megan and Sondra joined in.
Josh kissed both women welcome and Megan quickly whispered to him "you are so going to tell me everything later tonight" to which he smiled and nodded.
It was apparent that Sondra and Danni knew each other so only Megan needed an introduction.
The three women were chatting quietly amongst themselves, stealing a glance at Josh from time to time.
Burt was on the phone and Josh was left with nothing to do.
After a few minutes it was clear to him that the women were discussing the upcoming fantasy set for Sarah and their roles in it.
Melody had joined them in the mean time and looked a lot better, although her left eye was bruised and her lip still thick.
When Burt finished his call, he sat next to Josh saying "thanks sport, it has been a while since I’ve seen Danni laugh like she just did, I am glad she’s met you."
"Likewise big guy" Josh replied, his eyes still on the four women talking.
"Come, I’ll take you to the room that has been prepared" Burt said after a moment "Sarah will be here within ten minutes."
"You still sure you want to go through with this?" he continued "I can understand if you feel you’re not up for the task."
"Are you kidding?" Josh grinned at the big man "I get to have sex with a former porn star while being cheered on by four beautiful women? It is something even my vivid imagination hadn’t conjured up yet."
Burt laughed and they left the women to their own preparations.
They walked through the big orgy like it was a regular party to the prepared room.
Burt opened the door and followed Josh through.
The room was sparsely decorated, a big bed stood in the middle and a bar with a few mood lights were its only companions.
"Okay Josh, the idea is that she comes home with her friends after a night on the town and on a dare she needs to take your cherry. The others will assist her in whatever way she wants, which will depend on her mood, but not take away her spot as main lover."
"Now, you’ll need to be asleep when they come in, only to wake after she has started to have sex with you so don’t wake too soon."
"Oh and a last thing, she likes to be called mom and compliment her on her looks, tell her you fancied her for a while now, that sort of thing, she loves dirty talk and compliments."
"The girls will be coming from the adjacent room, the bathroom is there as well should you need to go, if you do, go now before they are there."
"Thanks Burt" Josh said and quickly went to the room next door for a leak.
Cleaning himself up a bit, he undressed and folded his clothes so they would still be wearable and slipped naked in to the cold bed.
The first sign that the show was about to start were the giggling sounds from the room next door.
Pretending to be deep asleep, he heard the door open softly and the women enter.
"Go on, remove the blanket and let’s see this body you have been bragging about" he heard Danni say.
"Yeah show us his cock" another voice said, probably Melody, he wasn’t sure.
He felt his blanket slowly being pulled away until he lay naked on display for the five women around him.
Several gasps escaped them as most of them saw Josh naked for the first time.
His young and trained body, with his good looks and shaven cock elicited a few lewd remarks.
"Oh, I definitely would do him" he heard Megan say and he had to stifle his grin.
"What are you waiting for, suck his cock" Sondra said smacking her lips loudly.
"But he’s my son, I can’t violate him like that" a timid voice answered.
"No backing out now" Megan said firmly "I need to see your mouth around his cock."
Josh felt a small body move onto the bed and warm hands were placed on his stomach, for balance and to cares him.
He moved a bit so she would have better access, making a mumbling sleeping noise.
Shorty after, he felt a warm mouth engulf his flaccid cock and a hand pulling his skin back.
A small soft tongue darted over his cockhead before he felt his cock disappear entirely into her mouth.
"That’s it girl, you suck him good" Danni said with just a hint of envy.
Her warm mouth and smooth tongue made his cock get hard in no time and she was forced to let go of his entire length, keeping a good two thirds inside.
Josh moaned a bit and stretches as if he was still asleep but having a good dream.
"Wanna bet he’s dreaming of you now?" Melody said in a raunchy tone.
Josh could feel her head shake no with is cock still in her mouth.
He waited a bit longer before moaning again and saying sleepily "you’re the best mom."
The mouth on his cock was quiet for a second and then intensified its administrations on his cock, with more enthusiasm.
"See, I told you" Melody said "if I had a boy like yours, I’d be fucking him silly."
The other three women voiced their agreement in various ways, all making clear to Josh that they would love to be in Sarah’s place right now.
Josh was deciding when to wake up when Sarah gave him a clue, her mouth left his cock and she said "hold him down girls while I finish this, I think he’s waking up."
The other women climbed on the bed and moved his arms and legs gently into a spread eagle position and sat down on them.
He could feel the warm skin of all of them as well as the heat from their pussies.
The two holding down his legs had placed their wet slits on his leg bone, pressing down harder than needed and the two sitting on his arms had clasped his arms between their legs with his hands directly beneath their pussies.
Josh got even harder, his cock twitching a bit before Sarah had climbed back between his legs.
The four women urged Sarah on and soon she was assaulting his cock again, her mouth bobbing up and down while her hands held his balls.
"What, what is happening here" Josh said groggily and moved his head to see Sarah sucking him.
She was a petite gorgeous brunette, in perfect shape as far as he could tell and with enlarged breasts and full lips.
"Mom?" he managed to say surprised "Oh god, Mom please don’t stop."
"Oh he’s awake now" Melody said "lets hold him firmer."
"Hold me?" Josh looked around and saw the four other women naked around him.
"I am dreaming" he whispered and closed his eyes for a moment.
Melody and Sondra sat on his legs and were rubbing their slits over his leg, masturbating and holding him down at the same time.
He looked up into the faces of Danni and Megan and smiled briefly at them.
"Mom" Josh said again "is this for real?"
Sarah stopped for a moment and looked at his face with the tip of his cock still in her mouth and nodded yes.
"Oh god mom, I have been dreaming of this for ages, this is even better than I thought."
She really knew how to suck a cock and Josh could feel his orgasm coming closer.
With both his index fingers he started to play with the slits of Danni and Mega and bucket his legs a bit for Sondra and Melody, lifting them up and increasing the pressure on their clits.
Danni spread her legs a bit more so he could reach more of her and go harder or deeper, with Megan following her example.
"Oh mom, suck me, suck your little boy, make me shoot you full with my cum" Josh yelled while he bucket under her expert cock sucking, his fingers deep inside both women and both his thumbs on their clits.
The smell of female fluids became heavy on the air as all four used Josh to get off.
"Mom" Josh yelled even louder when he was about to come "mom I am coming mom."
A loud moan signaled the arrival of his orgasm and Sarah quickly let go of his cock, jacking him hard. His cum shot up on her breasts and stomach and she aimed his cock at Danni and Megan, blasting them with his cum as well.
She kept jacking him until nothing came out anymore and then took his cock in her mouth again for a warm sensitive licking.
"Wow mom" Josh gasped "that was amazing."
During his orgasm he had forgotten about Danni and Megan but resumed his manual labor on their cunts now that he had come.
"Oh god, that was so sexy" moaned Melody when she came from riding his leg.
Josh actually could feel her fluids spray on his legs thinking that she was a squirter.
"You did good son" Sarah said "you have made mommy proud with your cum."
Josh was transfixed on her face when she slowly scooped his cum from her breasts and stomach and brought it to her mouth, licking it of her fingers.
Even if Josh wasn’t able to go again straight away, the show Sarah gave would have made him hard again.
"You want to be an even better son?" she asked in very sultry way.
"Yes mom, anything, please tell me, I am the best son ever, I love you mom" Josh whispered back in a horny teenager way.
"Shit" Sondra exclaimed when she came, sliding down his half raised leg, leaving a trace of her juice on his leg.
"Sorry Sarah" she said "but that was so awesome."
Sarah grinned at Sondra saying "thanks girlfriend" before looking at Megan and Danni, both red headed and near orgasm.
"How close are you girls?" she asked when she saw the movement of Josh’s arms.
"Very" Danni said in a wild voice and Megan just nodded, moaning softly.
"Fist them both son" Sarah said and showed Josh how to hold his hand.
Megan looked panicked but Danni grinned in anticipation.
Both women gasped when Josh did so, a new experience for him as well.
He could feel his hand slide past the bones until both his hands were swallowed by their cunts.
The warm wet feeling was intense and it made him even more aroused then before.
He moved his hand around and pushed up and pulled down like a huge cock.
Danni came first with a torrent of fluids streaming down on his arm.
"Oh fuck" was all she said before Josh felt her cunt convulse around his wrist.
Megan just yelled at the top of her lungs, her cunt clamping down on his wrist like a vice.
In both girls he could feel the orgasm pulse through their nether regions, it was so sexy he almost came with them.
They sat on his hands for a bit more before both fell backwards at the same time laughing and screaming their joy, Josh still inside both of them.
Sarah moved on all fours until her face was above Josh’s.
She really was small, he thought but damn, what a looker.
"You need to relax your hands now son or they’ll be stuck" she whispered to him, her lips floating above his so close he felt the warmth of her breath on him.
Josh smiled and did as told, Melody and Sondra helping Danni and Megan up again.
"I’ve never been fisted" Melody said in a pouting voice.
"Come with me" Danni said and moved to the side of the room.
Sarah and Josh softly kissed, her breasts hanging above him, teasing his chest with her hard nipples.
"Caress me" she whispered, her tongue playing with his lips.
Josh dried his hands as best as he could on the bed and started to explore Sarah’s body.
Her skin was soft and her body felt wonderful above him. Soft moans escaped her lips when he went over sensitive areas and she purred when he came to her breasts, massaging them and gently playing with her hard nipples.
"You are so beautiful mom" he said to her softly "I love you so much."
Sarah smiled and buried her face in his neck, licking and nibbling while covering his face with her soft long hair.
She moved down a bit to get deeper in his neck and he felt her breasts flatten on his chest.
With a deliberate slow movement, she positioned her wet cunt directly above his cock and moved just enough down to engulf his cockhead.
Amazed at her skill and delighted with the warm feeling of her cunt around his cock, Josh moaned loudly followed by "Oh mom."
Suddenly she bit him in his neck rather hard and he bucket up beneath her, his cock going all the way into her cunt in one go.
"Oh that’s it baby" she purred, biting on his ear "fuck your mommy, fuck her hard."
He moved his arms to her lower back and pulled her down as far as he could, his cock inching a bit deeper.
Releasing the pressure he moved his cock out as far as he could before pulling her down hard again.
This time a gasp escaped her lips and she said "That’s is son, only faster."
Josh did as requested and soon they were fucking each other so hard, their pelvic bones almost hurt from the impact.
Meanwhile Danni was fisting Melody, who was on her hands and knees and Sondra was giving Megan head. Their noises didn’t reach Josh or Sarah, they were fucking each other as hard as they could. There was nothing tender or gentle about it, they fucked each other in a frenzy of passion and lust.
Josh could feel the bed beneath him getting wet with all the juice she was producing and the lack of friction made him go faster and deeper.
After a slight adjustment with is hips, her legs slipped down his sides and he pounded her even deeper, bumping into her cervix each time.
She moved her head up to look at his face, her sweat dripping on his face, mingling with his own.
"Harder still if you can son" she whispered between moans.
"Yes mother" he panted back and licked some of the sweat from her face.
He grabbed her butt cheeks and rammed her ass down on him each time he trusted his cock in her. Using all his strength, he rammed her cervix with all his might, their pelvic bones crashing into each other. This will leave a bruise Josh thought in a single moment of clarity.
Sarah’s breath grew more ragged, her moans had stopped and now she seemed to be gasping for air, her intake hoarse and her exhales higher in pitch.
Her eyes were closed and her forehead rested as much as it could on his.
Josh started to get worried and even more excited when he felt her go limp on top of him.
She then gasped softly before her entire body went rigid and her cunt shrank in size, her muscles stopping his cock in its track with sheer pressure.
Her cry was so loud that Josh’s ears were ringing and her body convulsed on top of him, deep in the thrall of her orgasm.
After the initial shock she started gasping for air, yelling "oh fuck" in rapid succession.
Her cunt relaxed and tensed so fast with each of her orgasmic waves that Josh came as well.
When she felt his cum shoot in her she almost came again yelling "oh yeah give it to momma baby."
Josh felt his cum shooting in her convulsing cunt, the beautiful woman on top of him looking at him with pure and unadulterated lust and he felt wonderful, at peace even.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:
Josh took one of the chairs and sat in front of the big desk.
Danni walked around, sat down with a sigh and removed her shoes.
"Much better" she smirked at him.
"Are you besides chivalrous also discreet and trustworthy?" she asked still smiling.
"My word is my bond and I can be discreet up until a point" Josh answered.
"I believe you, what is your point if I may ask?"
"Anything with violent intent, criminal or abusive elements" Josh answered seriously.
He wondered what she was thinking of as she leaned a bit closer over her desk.
"And in case you are wondering, no, I do not consider your line of work criminal, you are not a pimp forcing streetwalkers."
She smiled when he said that "You know, you are very astute, it was my next question."
A soft knock on the door interrupted their conversation and was followed by the door opening.
A well proportioned woman came walking in, dressed in a transparent latex bodysuit carrying a tray with a bottle of whiskey and 2 shot glasses. She sat it down on the desk between them and winked at Josh when she left, closing the door after her.
Danni grinned at Josh’s expression and reached for the bottle to pour them both a shot.
"Bottoms up Josh" she said and downed the shot glass in one go.
Josh did the same and was pleasantly surprised by the smooth quality of the whiskey.
Her respect of him grew a bit when she saw he held his liquor well.
"Back to business" she said, pouring them another shot.
"Can I trust you to keep the conversation we are about to have absolutely secret?"
"You have my word" Josh answered and watched Danni for clues.
"Did you know that besides a lot of beautiful women, I also have several young men working for me?" Danni asked leaning back into her chair.
"No but it would make sense if you catered to the entertainment business" Josh replied.
"True, do you know what fantasy play or role play is in the sex industry?"
"Maybe, I have a healthy imagination but I am not sure" Josh answered carefully.
"I take it it’s a bit like a mother son fantasy played out?"
"That’s precisely it, if you are interested, a young man like you can make a lot of money like that" Danni said letting the statement hang in the air.
"Run my credit" Josh said and gave her his card.
Danni gave him a surprised look but did as he asked.
A few moments later she was laughing out loud saying "And here I thought it would be nice for a young guy like yourself to make a few bucks beyond his allowance, only to find out he’s rich enough to get a black card and is an European ranked business man."
"Well, there goes that idea out the window" she grinned while wiping a tear from laughter from her cheek.
"I still might be interested though" Josh said "my sexual preference goes out to mature women."
Danni reached for her shot glass, saluted Josh and drank it down.
Again he followed her example, smiling when he poured them both a fresh one.
"You are an intriguing man, Josh" she said her voice filled with wonder.
"How experienced are you?"
"Compared to whom?" Josh asked "I know I can please a woman with tongue and cock but I can’t say how well I perform compared to others."
"But" he continued "I have had a good sex education back home and the two ladies I have had the pleasure of today didn’t complain and asked for more so, I think despite the fact that I have had only three lovers so far, I am quite capable."
The frankness in which he answered her question made Danni reevaluate Josh again.
"You’ve had sex at the party tonight?" she asked, almost certain that he had.
He nodded and reached for his glass "Here’s to all the beautiful women that like young men."
Smiling Danni followed suit.
"So, how do you suggest I reward you for your gallant behavior tonight?" Danni asked.
"How many real friends do you have?" Josh countered her.
Danni played for a bit with her finger just in her mouth, nibbling on it while she figured out how to answer him.
After a minute of deep thinking she answered "Not a lot, four perhaps."
"Make it five and you have rewarded me more than enough."
His answer shook her to her core and for the first time in a long time, she didn’t know what to say.
"I figure a woman in your position has a huge number of acquaintances but very few friends, you have nothing that I really need except a good friend, someone to do stuff with, talk to when you need a honest opinion or a shoulder to cry on when needed" Josh continued "you are a strong, independent woman who runs a multimillion business dealing in things that cannot be out in the open."
Josh sipped a bit from his drink, wetting his mouth before continuing "I know and I don’t judge you for your line of work, you seem like a nice woman and you care for your girls so your heart is in the right place, further more you seem to think like I do which is something I like a lot in you so what do you say?"
A tear flowed slowly from her eye, her face sad and happy at the same time.
"You are a very interesting young man Josh and it is my pleasure to call you a friend."
"Good" Josh said and walked around her desk, pulled her out of her chair and gave her a comforting hug.
"Got plans for next Sunday evening?" Josh softly asked.
"Not really" Danni answered relaxing in his firm embrace.
"Then I hereby invite you to a home cooked dinner at my place, how does that sound?"
"It sounds wonderful, you really know how to win someone over don’t you?" she whispered.
"Have I won you over already then?" he asked in a sly voice making her laugh.
"After I have tasted your cooking I’ll let you know" she smiled and locked her eyes with his.
"I am going to kiss you now, you very special man" she whispered and locked her lips on his.
She kissed him gently, slowly parting her lips and tenderly explored his mouth.
Josh followed her lead, letting his hands explore her body in a gentle fashion.
They were interrupted by a knock on the door followed by a deep voice "Its Burt ma’m."
"Come in" Danni said and broke the embrace, sitting back down again.
Josh walked back to his chair when Burt entered.
"Ah" he said when he saw Josh "I am sorry but its business related."
"That’s fine, what is it Burt?" Danni asked.
"Its Roger ma’m, he finally called, he’s in the hospital with acute food poisoning."
"You’ve got to be kidding" Danni sighed "of all the days."
"I know, she said she’d sue the restaurant but demands a replacement for tonight."
"There is nobody else, everybody is spoken for, damn" Danni said after a quick glance at her PDA.
"Who are we talking about and what is needed?" Josh asked.
"I can’t ask you to do this, not like this Josh" Danni said frowning at her PDA screen.
"Just tell me what you need, perhaps I can help" Josh offered her gently again.
"It’s an elaborate fantasy session, she wants to be taken by her son while her friends are watching and cheering her on."
"How long would it take?" Josh asked.
"Two hours at the most but that’s not the biggest issue, my girls were free to cheer you on till an hour ago, now they have prior engagements."
"How many girlfriends are we talking about?"
"Three or four, why do you ask?" Danni asked and looked at Josh, seeing him thinking hard.
Josh turned to Burt and asked "I take it Melody is out of regular service at the moment?"
Burt grinned at Josh, liking how he thought and said yes, he had changed her for a standby.
"That’s one, you could be two Danni and maybe I can get you two more" Josh thought out loud.
Josh took out his phone and started a text message "I am need of some voyeuristic assistance for an hour or two, are you available within the next thirty minutes?"
When he selected Megan and Sondra he heard Burt grin behind him saying "He has Sondra Bradley in his phone, can you believe it?"
Danni looked at Josh and said with a big grin "you did her tonight didn’t you?"
"Guilty as charged" he smiled back at her.
A few moments later two replies announced their arrival.
Josh smiled when he saw the reply from Megan, asking if she needed to keep her hands to herself and the reply from Sondra was even more in the spirit, asking if she could film him.
"I got you two more spectators who are definitely in the mood for a show" Josh grinned "so who are we talking about?"
Danni smiled in amazement at Josh, wondering what she had done to have this kid walk in her life just when she needed someone like him the most.
When Danni just stared at Josh not replying, Burt answered for her "Sarah Basco."
Burt saw the name didn’t mean anything to Josh so he explained "Sarah is one of the most powerful producers in the current mainstream porn industry, back in the early nineties she was a famous porn star herself, still a looker in my opinion."
Josh looked back at Danni and noticed that more was playing then she let on, she was still thinking too hard.
It took Josh a few moments to consider all the options and match them to the reactions he had seen before saying "you are planning to expand your business aren’t you?"
Both Burt and Danni looked shocked when he said that.
"How did you know?" Danni asked surprised.
"I’ll tell you in a sec but can we first make sure that my two lady friends are picked up and escorted here?"
"Take my picture and send it to them, tell them to meet me at the elevators" Burt said.
"Okay Burt" Josh said and took a shot of Burt smiling.
"Sending now" and he added the message to the picture before sending it.
Burt said he would be right back and left.
"Please tell me how you knew Josh" Danni asked as soon as the door was closed.
"Your tension level shot up when her date was ruined, you cannot expand too much in your current activities before the authorities take notice and she is a big shot producer with experience in the field, it wasn’t that hard to be honest."
"I guess" she slowly said "but you are right, I am looking to expand."
"So in what way, shoot some vids of your girls to improve their market value or offer your customers a personal porn shoot?" Josh asked curiously.
Danni stared at him with a blank face again, this was the third time this boy had surprised her.
Silently she thanked the heavens for letting their paths cross.
"I wanted career options for some of my girls who wanted to stay in the industry but out of the call girl corner, offer them a save second career."
"That’s a sweet idea, I thought more of extra business while you thought of your girls, good for you Danni" Josh said a bit embarrassed.
"No, you just came up with two brilliant ideas I hadn’t thought of."
"I’d be happy to partner with you if you want or if you don’t mix friendship with business, just use my brain for whatever you need, consider it free of charge" Josh smiled warmly at Danni.
"I believe you, you would really give these two brilliant marketing ideas to me for free, you hardly know me and you already treat me as a dear and trustworthy friend, sorry if I get a bit emotional but it is a very rare thing in this town, a man like you" Danni spoke while she got up and walked towards him.
She hugged him with all her might and said "I know I am going to sound like an idiot right now, but at this moment I really wish I could keep you for myself and run away with you, leave everything behind."
"Not like an idiot, but as a woman in dire need of a good friend" Josh whispered and kissed her gently.
The stood in embrace when the door opened and Burt came in together with Megan and Sondra. They both turned their head at the same time and said simultaneous "Hello."
A second later, Danni was just a bit quicker with pinching him saying "jinx."
Their laughter was joined by Burt with a deep rumbling laugh and both Megan and Sondra joined in.
Josh kissed both women welcome and Megan quickly whispered to him "you are so going to tell me everything later tonight" to which he smiled and nodded.
It was apparent that Sondra and Danni knew each other so only Megan needed an introduction.
The three women were chatting quietly amongst themselves, stealing a glance at Josh from time to time.
Burt was on the phone and Josh was left with nothing to do.
After a few minutes it was clear to him that the women were discussing the upcoming fantasy set for Sarah and their roles in it.
Melody had joined them in the mean time and looked a lot better, although her left eye was bruised and her lip still thick.
When Burt finished his call, he sat next to Josh saying "thanks sport, it has been a while since I’ve seen Danni laugh like she just did, I am glad she’s met you."
"Likewise big guy" Josh replied, his eyes still on the four women talking.
"Come, I’ll take you to the room that has been prepared" Burt said after a moment "Sarah will be here within ten minutes."
"You still sure you want to go through with this?" he continued "I can understand if you feel you’re not up for the task."
"Are you kidding?" Josh grinned at the big man "I get to have sex with a former porn star while being cheered on by four beautiful women? It is something even my vivid imagination hadn’t conjured up yet."
Burt laughed and they left the women to their own preparations.
They walked through the big orgy like it was a regular party to the prepared room.
Burt opened the door and followed Josh through.
The room was sparsely decorated, a big bed stood in the middle and a bar with a few mood lights were its only companions.
"Okay Josh, the idea is that she comes home with her friends after a night on the town and on a dare she needs to take your cherry. The others will assist her in whatever way she wants, which will depend on her mood, but not take away her spot as main lover."
"Now, you’ll need to be asleep when they come in, only to wake after she has started to have sex with you so don’t wake too soon."
"Oh and a last thing, she likes to be called mom and compliment her on her looks, tell her you fancied her for a while now, that sort of thing, she loves dirty talk and compliments."
"The girls will be coming from the adjacent room, the bathroom is there as well should you need to go, if you do, go now before they are there."
"Thanks Burt" Josh said and quickly went to the room next door for a leak.
Cleaning himself up a bit, he undressed and folded his clothes so they would still be wearable and slipped naked in to the cold bed.
The first sign that the show was about to start were the giggling sounds from the room next door.
Pretending to be deep asleep, he heard the door open softly and the women enter.
"Go on, remove the blanket and let’s see this body you have been bragging about" he heard Danni say.
"Yeah show us his cock" another voice said, probably Melody, he wasn’t sure.
He felt his blanket slowly being pulled away until he lay naked on display for the five women around him.
Several gasps escaped them as most of them saw Josh naked for the first time.
His young and trained body, with his good looks and shaven cock elicited a few lewd remarks.
"Oh, I definitely would do him" he heard Megan say and he had to stifle his grin.
"What are you waiting for, suck his cock" Sondra said smacking her lips loudly.
"But he’s my son, I can’t violate him like that" a timid voice answered.
"No backing out now" Megan said firmly "I need to see your mouth around his cock."
Josh felt a small body move onto the bed and warm hands were placed on his stomach, for balance and to cares him.
He moved a bit so she would have better access, making a mumbling sleeping noise.
Shorty after, he felt a warm mouth engulf his flaccid cock and a hand pulling his skin back.
A small soft tongue darted over his cockhead before he felt his cock disappear entirely into her mouth.
"That’s it girl, you suck him good" Danni said with just a hint of envy.
Her warm mouth and smooth tongue made his cock get hard in no time and she was forced to let go of his entire length, keeping a good two thirds inside.
Josh moaned a bit and stretches as if he was still asleep but having a good dream.
"Wanna bet he’s dreaming of you now?" Melody said in a raunchy tone.
Josh could feel her head shake no with is cock still in her mouth.
He waited a bit longer before moaning again and saying sleepily "you’re the best mom."
The mouth on his cock was quiet for a second and then intensified its administrations on his cock, with more enthusiasm.
"See, I told you" Melody said "if I had a boy like yours, I’d be fucking him silly."
The other three women voiced their agreement in various ways, all making clear to Josh that they would love to be in Sarah’s place right now.
Josh was deciding when to wake up when Sarah gave him a clue, her mouth left his cock and she said "hold him down girls while I finish this, I think he’s waking up."
The other women climbed on the bed and moved his arms and legs gently into a spread eagle position and sat down on them.
He could feel the warm skin of all of them as well as the heat from their pussies.
The two holding down his legs had placed their wet slits on his leg bone, pressing down harder than needed and the two sitting on his arms had clasped his arms between their legs with his hands directly beneath their pussies.
Josh got even harder, his cock twitching a bit before Sarah had climbed back between his legs.
The four women urged Sarah on and soon she was assaulting his cock again, her mouth bobbing up and down while her hands held his balls.
"What, what is happening here" Josh said groggily and moved his head to see Sarah sucking him.
She was a petite gorgeous brunette, in perfect shape as far as he could tell and with enlarged breasts and full lips.
"Mom?" he managed to say surprised "Oh god, Mom please don’t stop."
"Oh he’s awake now" Melody said "lets hold him firmer."
"Hold me?" Josh looked around and saw the four other women naked around him.
"I am dreaming" he whispered and closed his eyes for a moment.
Melody and Sondra sat on his legs and were rubbing their slits over his leg, masturbating and holding him down at the same time.
He looked up into the faces of Danni and Megan and smiled briefly at them.
"Mom" Josh said again "is this for real?"
Sarah stopped for a moment and looked at his face with the tip of his cock still in her mouth and nodded yes.
"Oh god mom, I have been dreaming of this for ages, this is even better than I thought."
She really knew how to suck a cock and Josh could feel his orgasm coming closer.
With both his index fingers he started to play with the slits of Danni and Mega and bucket his legs a bit for Sondra and Melody, lifting them up and increasing the pressure on their clits.
Danni spread her legs a bit more so he could reach more of her and go harder or deeper, with Megan following her example.
"Oh mom, suck me, suck your little boy, make me shoot you full with my cum" Josh yelled while he bucket under her expert cock sucking, his fingers deep inside both women and both his thumbs on their clits.
The smell of female fluids became heavy on the air as all four used Josh to get off.
"Mom" Josh yelled even louder when he was about to come "mom I am coming mom."
A loud moan signaled the arrival of his orgasm and Sarah quickly let go of his cock, jacking him hard. His cum shot up on her breasts and stomach and she aimed his cock at Danni and Megan, blasting them with his cum as well.
She kept jacking him until nothing came out anymore and then took his cock in her mouth again for a warm sensitive licking.
"Wow mom" Josh gasped "that was amazing."
During his orgasm he had forgotten about Danni and Megan but resumed his manual labor on their cunts now that he had come.
"Oh god, that was so sexy" moaned Melody when she came from riding his leg.
Josh actually could feel her fluids spray on his legs thinking that she was a squirter.
"You did good son" Sarah said "you have made mommy proud with your cum."
Josh was transfixed on her face when she slowly scooped his cum from her breasts and stomach and brought it to her mouth, licking it of her fingers.
Even if Josh wasn’t able to go again straight away, the show Sarah gave would have made him hard again.
"You want to be an even better son?" she asked in very sultry way.
"Yes mom, anything, please tell me, I am the best son ever, I love you mom" Josh whispered back in a horny teenager way.
"Shit" Sondra exclaimed when she came, sliding down his half raised leg, leaving a trace of her juice on his leg.
"Sorry Sarah" she said "but that was so awesome."
Sarah grinned at Sondra saying "thanks girlfriend" before looking at Megan and Danni, both red headed and near orgasm.
"How close are you girls?" she asked when she saw the movement of Josh’s arms.
"Very" Danni said in a wild voice and Megan just nodded, moaning softly.
"Fist them both son" Sarah said and showed Josh how to hold his hand.
Megan looked panicked but Danni grinned in anticipation.
Both women gasped when Josh did so, a new experience for him as well.
He could feel his hand slide past the bones until both his hands were swallowed by their cunts.
The warm wet feeling was intense and it made him even more aroused then before.
He moved his hand around and pushed up and pulled down like a huge cock.
Danni came first with a torrent of fluids streaming down on his arm.
"Oh fuck" was all she said before Josh felt her cunt convulse around his wrist.
Megan just yelled at the top of her lungs, her cunt clamping down on his wrist like a vice.
In both girls he could feel the orgasm pulse through their nether regions, it was so sexy he almost came with them.
They sat on his hands for a bit more before both fell backwards at the same time laughing and screaming their joy, Josh still inside both of them.
Sarah moved on all fours until her face was above Josh’s.
She really was small, he thought but damn, what a looker.
"You need to relax your hands now son or they’ll be stuck" she whispered to him, her lips floating above his so close he felt the warmth of her breath on him.
Josh smiled and did as told, Melody and Sondra helping Danni and Megan up again.
"I’ve never been fisted" Melody said in a pouting voice.
"Come with me" Danni said and moved to the side of the room.
Sarah and Josh softly kissed, her breasts hanging above him, teasing his chest with her hard nipples.
"Caress me" she whispered, her tongue playing with his lips.
Josh dried his hands as best as he could on the bed and started to explore Sarah’s body.
Her skin was soft and her body felt wonderful above him. Soft moans escaped her lips when he went over sensitive areas and she purred when he came to her breasts, massaging them and gently playing with her hard nipples.
"You are so beautiful mom" he said to her softly "I love you so much."
Sarah smiled and buried her face in his neck, licking and nibbling while covering his face with her soft long hair.
She moved down a bit to get deeper in his neck and he felt her breasts flatten on his chest.
With a deliberate slow movement, she positioned her wet cunt directly above his cock and moved just enough down to engulf his cockhead.
Amazed at her skill and delighted with the warm feeling of her cunt around his cock, Josh moaned loudly followed by "Oh mom."
Suddenly she bit him in his neck rather hard and he bucket up beneath her, his cock going all the way into her cunt in one go.
"Oh that’s it baby" she purred, biting on his ear "fuck your mommy, fuck her hard."
He moved his arms to her lower back and pulled her down as far as he could, his cock inching a bit deeper.
Releasing the pressure he moved his cock out as far as he could before pulling her down hard again.
This time a gasp escaped her lips and she said "That’s is son, only faster."
Josh did as requested and soon they were fucking each other so hard, their pelvic bones almost hurt from the impact.
Meanwhile Danni was fisting Melody, who was on her hands and knees and Sondra was giving Megan head. Their noises didn’t reach Josh or Sarah, they were fucking each other as hard as they could. There was nothing tender or gentle about it, they fucked each other in a frenzy of passion and lust.
Josh could feel the bed beneath him getting wet with all the juice she was producing and the lack of friction made him go faster and deeper.
After a slight adjustment with is hips, her legs slipped down his sides and he pounded her even deeper, bumping into her cervix each time.
She moved her head up to look at his face, her sweat dripping on his face, mingling with his own.
"Harder still if you can son" she whispered between moans.
"Yes mother" he panted back and licked some of the sweat from her face.
He grabbed her butt cheeks and rammed her ass down on him each time he trusted his cock in her. Using all his strength, he rammed her cervix with all his might, their pelvic bones crashing into each other. This will leave a bruise Josh thought in a single moment of clarity.
Sarah’s breath grew more ragged, her moans had stopped and now she seemed to be gasping for air, her intake hoarse and her exhales higher in pitch.
Her eyes were closed and her forehead rested as much as it could on his.
Josh started to get worried and even more excited when he felt her go limp on top of him.
She then gasped softly before her entire body went rigid and her cunt shrank in size, her muscles stopping his cock in its track with sheer pressure.
Her cry was so loud that Josh’s ears were ringing and her body convulsed on top of him, deep in the thrall of her orgasm.
After the initial shock she started gasping for air, yelling "oh fuck" in rapid succession.
Her cunt relaxed and tensed so fast with each of her orgasmic waves that Josh came as well.
When she felt his cum shoot in her she almost came again yelling "oh yeah give it to momma baby."
Josh felt his cum shooting in her convulsing cunt, the beautiful woman on top of him looking at him with pure and unadulterated lust and he felt wonderful, at peace even.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: